Type alias KristTransactionType

KristTransactionType: "unknown" | "mined" | "name_purchase" | "name_a_record" | "name_transfer" | "transfer"

The type of a transaction. For historical transactions, the type field is calculated (by the Krist API) based on the contents of the transaction.

  • mined: The block reward paid to the submitter of this block. from will be null.
  • transfer: A transfer of Krist from one address to another.
  • name_purchase: A purchase of a name. to will be "name", name will be the name that was purchased, without the .kst suffix.
  • name_a_record: An update to a name's data. to will be "a", name will be the name that was updated, without the .kst suffix.
  • name_transfer: A transfer of a name to a new owner. to will be the name's new owner, name will be the name that was transferred, without the .kst suffix.
  • unknown: The transaction type could not be determined.

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