
  • KristMotd


constants: { max_work: number; min_work: number; name_cost: number; nonce_max_size: number; seconds_per_block: number; wallet_version: number; work_factor: number }

Constants related to the Krist server configuration.

Type declaration

  • max_work: number

    The maximum work (block difficulty) value. The work will not automatically go above this.

  • min_work: number

    The minimum work (block difficulty) value. The work will not automatically go below this.

  • name_cost: number

    The cost, in KST, of purchasing a new name.

  • nonce_max_size: number

    The maximum size, in bytes, of a block nonce.

  • seconds_per_block: number

    The ideal time between mined blocks. The Krist server will adjust the difficulty to match this value.

  • wallet_version: number

    The latest version of KristWallet.

  • work_factor: number

    Work adjustment rate per block, where 1 means immediate adjustment to target work and 0 means constant work.

currency: { address_prefix: string; currency_name: string; currency_symbol: string; name_suffix: string }

Constants related to the currency that this server represents.

Type declaration

  • address_prefix: string

    The character that each address starts with (e.g. k).

  • currency_name: string

    The full long name of this currency (e.g. Krist).

  • currency_symbol: string

    The shorthand symbol for this currency (e.g. KST).

  • name_suffix: string

    The suffix that each name ends with after the dot (e.g. kst).

debug_mode: boolean

If the server is running in debug mode, this will be set to true.

last_block: null | KristBlock

The last block mined on the Krist node. May be null.

mining_enabled: boolean

If mining is enabled on the server, this will be set to true.

motd: string

The message of the day.

motd_set: null | string

The date the MOTD was last changed, as an ISO-8601 string.

notice: string

Required copyright notice for the Krist server.

package: { author: string; licence: string; name: string; repository: string; version: string }

Information related to this build of the Krist source code.

Type declaration

  • author: string

    The author of the Krist server (always Lemmmy).

  • licence: string

    The license of the Krist server (always GPL-3.0).

  • name: string

    The name of the package (always krist).

  • repository: string

    The repository of the Krist server source code.

  • version: string

    The version of the Krist server, typically semver.

public_url: string

The public URL of this Krist node.

server_time: string

The current server time, as an ISO-8601 string.

set: null | string


The Krist API returns this for backwards compatibility. Use the motd_set field instead.

work: number

The current Krist work (difficulty).

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