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JavaScript and TypeScript wrapper for the Krist API. Supports Node.js and the browser.

Table of contents


  • Works on the server with Node.js, and in browsers
  • Modern, Promise-based API with TypeScript support designed with async/wait in mind
  • Type-safe functions for all HTTP endpoints
  • Fully-featured WebSocket client with events and automatic reconnection
  • Useful Promise exceptions for all API errors
  • V2 Address generation with support for common wallet formats (KristWallet, Krist API, etc.)
  • CommonMeta parser for transaction metadata
  • Pagination helper for working with multiple pages of results
  • Utilities for common tasks such as validating addresses and names

Not yet supported

  • Lookup API
  • Search API
  • Idempotent requests

Quick start

  1. Install krist from npm or yarn:
npm install krist
yarn add krist
  1. Import krist and create an instance of KristApi:
import { KristApi } from "krist";
const api = new KristApi();

View the full API reference here.

Making HTTP requests

The KristApi has Promise-based wrapper methods for almost all Krist API endpoints.


import { KristApi } from "krist";
const api = new KristApi();

// Newer versions of Node.js support top-level await, but for older versions and
// the browser you will need an `async` function to use async/await.
async function main() {
  // Fetch details for the `kqxhx5yn9v` address
  const address = await api.getAddress("kqxhx5yn9v");
  console.log(`My balance is: ${address.balance}`);


Supported methods

The full list of supported endpoints, with documentation on parameters and return types, can be seen in the full API reference.

Paginated results

For all endpoints that return a large amount of data, the API returns a paginated result. The library provides functions to make collecting these results easier.

Each list endpoint (e.g. getAddresses) has a corresponding paginate function (e.g. paginateAddresses). The paginate function takes an options object containing the initial options (limit, the results per page, and offset, the offset of the first page) and onPageFn, a callback function that will be called for each page collected.

onPageFn will be called multiple times with the following arguments:

  • results - An array of results for the current page
  • total - The total amount of results for the whole collection

If the onPageFn callback returns false, pagination will stop.


await api.paginateAddresses({}, (results, total) => {
  console.log(`There are ${total} addresses in total.`);

console.log("Pagination has finished.");

Making transactions

Authenticated endpoints such as login, makeTransaction, registerName, transferName and updateName require a password or private key to be specified. Krist.js supports all common wallet formats, so private keys can be automatically derived from a password by simply providing the password.

Therefore, authentication options can be supplied in two ways:

  password: "your kristwallet password",
  /* Optional, defaults to `kristwallet` */ 
  // format: "kristwallet"
  // Not recommended
  privatekey: "RAW PRIVATEKEY"

Valid wallet formats understood by krist.js are:

  • "kristwallet" - (default) The kristwallet format.
  • "kristwallet_username_appendhashes" - The legacy kristwallet_username format. The username field is required alongside password.
  • "kristwallet_username" - The legacy kristwallet_username format. The username field is required alongside password.
  • "api" - The raw API private key - the password is passed as-is.


// Regular transaction to "kexample01"
const transaction = await api.makeTransaction("kexample01", 500, {
  password: "your kristwallet password"

// Transaction to "[email protected]"
const transaction = await api.makeTransaction("[email protected]", 500, {
  password: "your kristwallet password"

// Transaction with metadata
const transaction = await api.makeTransaction("kexample01", 500, {
  password: "your kristwallet password",
  metadata: "message=Here is your refund."

Websocket client (realtime events)

Krist.js has a fully featured Krist websocket client built in. Call the createWsClient function to get a KristWsClient instance, register any event listeners, and call ws.connect(); to open the connection to the server. After this, Krist.js will handle automatically reconnecting if the websocket gets disconnected.

An initialSubscriptions array can be passed to the createWsClient function's options, containing a list of subscription types to subscribe to. The following subscription types are supported:

Subscription nameEventDescription
transactionstransactionTransaction events whenever a transaction is made by anybody on the node.
ownTransactionstransactionTransaction events whenever a transaction is made to or from the authed user.
namesnameName events whenever a name is purchased, modified or transferred by anybody on the node.
ownNamesnameName events whenever the authed user purchases, modifies or transfers a name.


import { KristApi } from "krist";
const api = new KristApi();

// Create a new websocket client. Subscribe to all transaction events
const ws = api.createWsClient({
  initialSubscriptions: ["transactions"]

// Set up the event listeners before connecting
ws.on("transaction", async ({ transaction }) => {
  console.log("New transaction received:", transaction);

ws.on("ready", async () => {
  // Connected! Requests can now be made to the websocket server:
  const me = await ws.getMe();
  console.log("Websocket client now ready! I am:", me);

ws.connect(); // Connect to the websocket server

Parsing CommonMeta

Krist.js features a full CommonMeta parser for transaction metadata. The parseCommonMeta function returns an object containing all the parsed fields, including the recommended "implicit" field recipient. It also parses names into separate "metaname" and "name" components.

CommonMeta object format

The CommonMeta object returned may contain any of the following optional fields:

  // The full name of the recipient of the transaction, see CommonMeta docs for
  // detailed explanation
  "recipient": "[email protected]",
  "name": "shop.kst",
  "metaname": "iron",

  "return": "[email protected]",
  // The presence of `returnRecipient` means the `return` field was parsed as a 
  // valid name:
  "returnRecipient": "[email protected]",
  "returnName": "switchcraft.kst",
  "returnMetaname": "Lemmmy",

  // All other fields will be passed as-is:
  "message": "...",
  "custom1": "...",
  "custom2": "...",
  // ...


Parses CommonMeta for incoming transactions, verifies the recipient address, and logs the metaname. Make sure to import parseCommonMeta:

// Import parseCommonMeta from krist.js
import { KristApi, parseCommonMeta } from "krist";
const api = new KristApi();

const ws = api.createWsClient({
  initialSubscriptions: ["transactions"]

ws.on("transaction", async ({ transaction }) => {
  // Make sure to verify the transaction is sent TO your address, otherwise
  // the transactions may be "spoofed":
  if (transaction.type === "transfer" && === "kblockdest") {
    const meta = parseCommonMeta(transaction.metadata);

    // If no metadata was parsed or it did not contain a metaname, ignore the
    // transaction completely:
    if (!meta?.metaname) return; 

    // Filter out transactions that weren't to this specific shop, too:
    if ( !== "blockdepot.kst") return;

    // Now, transactions sent to `[email protected]` will print a message:
    console.log(`Received ${transaction.value} KST for ${meta.metaname}`);
    // => Received 1 KST for iron

ws.on("ready", async () => {
  console.log("Shop is now ready!");


Use in the browser

Krist.js supports the Browser as well as Node.js. If you are using a bundler like Webpack or Rollup, you can simply import and use the "krist" package the same way as you would in Node.js. However, if you are not using any bundlers or build tools, the library will be available under global variable called krist:

<script src="node_modules/krist/lib/browser.js"></script>
  const api = new krist.KristApi();  